Tag Archives: fitness trainer

Terrence Cosgrove : How is fitness important for health?

Terrence Cosgrove is a fitness trainer from Florida, USA. Terrence Cosgrove has over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. Terrence Cosgrove always likes to write on the fitness industry. Here Terrence Cosgrove is sharing some tips on fitness importance.

Terrence Cosgrove

Importance of Physical Fitness

Staying active means keeping your body functioning at a high level. Regular exercise will maintain the performance of your lungs and heart to most efficiently burn off excess calories and keep your weight under control. Exercise will also improve muscle strength, increase joint flexibility and improve endurance.

Another main benefit of physical activity is that it decreases the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in America. Additionally, it can decrease your risk of stroke, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure. Regular exercise has been long associated with fewer visits to the doctor, hospitalization, and medication.

Exercising does not have to be something boring and dreaded. It can be something that you enjoy that helps to increase the overall happiness in your life, as well as relieve symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety. Try to find some activities that give you pleasure or even a buddy to do them with so that exercise is a fun and enjoyable activity.

click here to know More : https://www.levo.com/terrence-cosgrove

Terrence Cosgrove : Spiritual aspects of yoga Development

Terrence Cosgrove is a fitness trainer from Florida, USA. Terrence Cosgrove has over 10 years of experience in the fitness industry. Here Terrence Cosgrove is sharing spiritual aspects of yoga.

Yoga means Union in Sanskrit, so when you do Yoga you unlock higher vibrations and frequencies of your chakras and so you’re relaxed because your energy can flow freely inside of them and not be blocked. At a certain point or ‘stage’ of doing Yoga, you can feel completely blissful, completely One, completely joyful because your chakras get to Higher frequencies. The consequences of these effects can dissolve the identity. Here are the spiritual aspects of yoga.

Yoga is of four types.

1. Karma yoga

2.raj yoga

3.bhakti yoga

4.gyan yoga.

These all the yoga’s are Spiritual sciences to attain God-consciousness or oneness with God.

1.Karma- Yoga-This is the yoga or union with God through good karma. A karma yogi has to do noble deeds and surrender the fruits to God. He has to be indifferent to the fruits of his actions, weather, it is good or bad. Karma yoga leads to purification of heart and qualifies a yogi to practice Bhakti-yoga I. e. He is promoted to the next step.

2 Raj- Yoga –This is a form of karma yoga or practices such as yogic karmas which lead him to God consciousness. Raj yoga consists of concentration practices, many forms of pranayamas, Pranayamas with japa etc.

3. Bhakti- yoga -A yogi through the practice of Karma yoga gets Bhakti and such Spiritual experiences. That he gets faith in God and thus he devotes to worship, puja, japa and other devotional practices.

4. Gyan-yoga –This is the final step in yoga practice and through practicing it a yogi gets God-realization or Atma Shakshatkar.

Click here to know More : https://www.levo.com/terrence-cosgrove

Terrence Cosgrove

Terrence Cosgrove : How to Gain Weight The Healthy Way

Terrence Cosgrove is a fitness expert. Terrence Cosgrove large numbers of people are suffering to underweight. And these people always become a fun source whenever they are in groups. People make many jokes for them. At the end, these people lose his/her confidence & going in depression.

If you are also one of them then you need to read this article. In this article Terrence Cosgrove share some weight gaining foods that help you to maintain your weight with healthy way.

Full Fat Milk :

Terrence Cosgrove

Red Meats :

Terrence Cosgrove

Nuts and Nut Butters :

Terrence Cosgrove

Eggs :

Terrence Cosgrove

Full-Fat Yogurt :

Terrence Cosgrove

Fruits :

Terrence Cosgrove

Click here to know More https://www.crunchbase.com/person/terrence-cosgrove-85c3